IB terms

Introducing Broker Terms of Use

ForexBz's Introducing Broker Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”) is subjected to AtlasFX Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) and the IB defined in the text regarding our Introducing Broker (the IB).


The definitions of terms throughout this agreement are as follows.

  • 1: Introducing Broker Program. A commission will be paid based on the result of accessing from IB link provided by our company
  • 2: Introducing Broker Membership. Any individuals, corporations or groups that visit those advertisements from the website operated by our members will receive a commission.
  • 3: Reward of Introducing Broker. The amount of reward (including tax) is paid to the IB through IB program
  • 4: Visitor. A user who access to our official website through an IB link.
  • 5: Link. A 'link' will be popped up on visitors screen by click the hyperlink on the website of advertiser.
  • 6: Introducing Broker link. A link that contains necessary information to implement the IB program.

2 (How to apply)

You acknowledge with all the conditions of these Terms if you wish to join our IB. The application is considered as completed when it is submitted from the "IB Partner" form on the website and approved by our company.

3 (Type of IB reward)

Frequent user - type: A Company pays a predetermined fee to the IB according to the frequency of visiting in the IB program.

4 (Service)

We provide IBs and visitors with access to the IB program by providing the networks we develop, operate and manage.

5 (Reward)

  • 1: Approval of participation. IB participates by receiving the IB link issued by our company.
  • 2: Payment. We are the payer of the commissions generated through the IB program.
  • 3:Overdue IB reward. Although the payment of the IB fee will be made separately on determination date, we will not be liable for any loss due to the processing delay of international payment transaction.

6 (Cancellation)

You can cancel IB program from website without sending prior notice to us. Even after the approval of IB, we understand that we may cancel IB participation without prior notice to users.

7 (Links)

IB users will use the link provided by our Company and setup the link onto its own site.

You are not authorized to change the configuration of all the links provided by IB and you must obtain our approval in advance if you request to change it.

8 (Transaction)

We provide the official website for you to manage IB, The IB is responsible for access of website and verifying daily transactions. If there is error occurred on transaction, you must contact us immediately.

The Company shall not be liable for any trouble in payment of the success fee due to failure to contact.

9 (Payment of Reward)

We will arrange the payment of reward to IB directly. In order to facilitate the payment procedure, we may arrange payments through angents in every countries.

Reward will be paid after payment application is received.We will include reward to your account opened with ForexBz.Opening account will be completed once your IB is registered.

The amount of IB reward will be settled on the last day of month,until then, amount of the reward will not be finalized.

Amount of IB reward is calculated from 1st day - last day of every month.

reward will be paid on the 5th business day of every month All the reward will be paid to your account in ForexBz, you need to arrange withdrawal by yourself

If the amount of reward is generated incorrect due to system failure the balance will be carried forward to next month.

All the tax declarations of IB rewards should be accordance with local tax law and regulations.

10 (Maintenance of service)

Maintenance of service may be performed on a regular and irregular basis. In the meantime, the service will be suspended and IB users should be complying with it.

11 (Personal Information)

The Company shall not disclose the IB registration information obtained through this agreement and the transaction data obtained through the program to other parties without prior approval of the IB. However, exceptions shall be made when there is known information or orders and operations from such as courts and police. In addition, we acknowledge that in the operation of the IB program, the Company may notify the user of IB registration information as necessary.

Statistical information collected across the IB can be used or released by the Company.

We will handle IB personal information appropriately in accordance with the "Personal Information Protection Policy."

Contact by email through our system, only registered name and e-mail address will be released to public.

12 (Contract period)

The term of this contract shall be one year from the date of approval of member registration. This agreement will be renewed for one year automatically unless the parties indicate intention to terminate the agreement within 30 days prior to the contract termination date. Similar rules will be applied afterwards.

13 (Cancellation of IB)

Cancelling IB by applying through the inquiry form

14 (Deregistration of IB)

In the event of any of the following, we are able to cancel the contract between the Company and the IB after cancelling the registration of the IB.

  • If IB is not responsible through emails over 3 times or when it is considered we are not able to contact with IB by emails.
  • No reward achieved by IB in one year

15 (Prohibited Actions)

The prohibited actions as follows.

  • Modification of advertising material and link code
  • To customize the links (advertisement materials and link codes) provided by our company to advertisers. However, you can change the size of the QR code.
  • Request for reward
  • Forcing, asking, or pleading visitors with irreverent advertisement or introduction by misleading visitors on the purpose of earning reward.
  • Forgery Action
  • Spam. Spam mail, advertising posted on the SNS and nuisance by other methods or means.
  • Expired adviertisting
  • Continuously posting expired advertising and links
  • Multiple IB registrations by the same individual or corporation. (only if it is our approval and should be considered as an exception)
  • Any actions that encourage customers to violate the contents, terms of use, and guidelines stated on the site
  • Any actions that are detrimental to our company
  • All other acts that we determine to be inappropriate
  • IB may not engage in any prohibited behaviors that relate to ForexBz


Company owns the final judgement on prohibited behaviors and it is no necessary to give further notification to the IB.

Any IB activity is considered suspicious, we reserve the right to require IB to submit record of server, In addition, from the point of view of protecting the security of the system operated by the company, in principle, such special judgment shall not be disclosed unless there is proper reason.

16 (Guarantee)

From the contract date of this agreement, the IB shall have no financial relationship with anti-social forces such as gangsters, shall not aim for transactions such as provision of funds, and shall gauranteee that you will not hire or employeed by any anti-social forces.

17 (Forced termination of contract and confiscation of reward)

We shall be able to terminate this Agreement without prior notice for the reasons specified below.

  • IB does not comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement
  • If the IB commits an illegal activity
  • When IB is performing any activities prohibited by us
  • When the registered name of site, URL,email ,transaction, company name, etc. even with different ID (Except when approved) is from the same individual
  • Other sites that we consider inappropriate,etc

If you violate any rules of our company, we will reserve the right to confiscate all your rewards immediately

We also reserve the right to claim on bellows,

  • Expenses such as transportation expenses and personnel expenses required for the survey related to the preceding paragraph
  • Expenses related to lawsuits (including lawyer fees)
  • Any other expenses we shall able to charge on IB

18 (contact)

Generally, IB can communicate us through Emails or administration page of IB. IB cannot reject to contact through email during the contract period.

Communication between the Company and IB shall by e-mail or telephone. During the contract period, no rejects on contact through emails if we consider it as a must.

We may contact IB by mails in accordance with operation of service.

19 ( Suspension, Delete,Supplement, Modification, Change of Service)

We may suspend, delete, adding,modify or change the services at any circumenstance.

20 (The qualifications as IB are as follows)

We do not operate the following sites

  • Adult sites or sites displaying links to adult sites or banners
  • Sites that contains violence and abuse contents
  • Sites that cntains racism contents
  • Any other sites that violate the law or public order and morals
  • The site administrator and e-mail magazine publisher must be 18 years or above
  • No fraud information when applying to IB
  • You have read and accepted this agreement and you will comply with it
  • After starting the program, the data must provided correctly
  • No record of suspension on IB program in the past
  • Communications between us and advertisers based on common knowlege

21 (Registration / Approval)

We approve IB based on the information when you apply for registration, At the time of approval or after the approval, IB shall be responsible for all consequence caused by fraudulent declaration.

22 (copyright)

All contents that the IB can browse over the network shall have no copyright issues. The Company shall not be liable for any copyright issues between IB and third parties.

23 (Limitation of guarantee)

Our company will make every effort to maintain stable services and operation,but we do not guarantee the following.

  • The service may not be operated continuously
  • Defects can be maintained anytime
  • Virus of computer system
  • Security implement fully under control

24 (Limitation of liability)

If this agreement terminated n the middle of the period of the contract, no party shall be liable for any compenhensions caused by damage or indirect damage of any party under any circumstance,

25 (Intellectual Property Rights and Licenses)

Intellectual property rights related to all images such as content, technology, banners and trademarks provided by us shall belong to the provider.

IB is not authorized to use it only within a limited network. IB may not modify or change any of its contents without obtaining prior permission.

26 (confidential information)

Confidential information in this agreement means information that includes documents, drawings, know-how, programs and data that IB has authorized to any of the following.

  • Confidentiality is expressed as "confidential", and that fact is disclosed in writing.
  • Those who have made a clear statement that they are confidential at the time of disclosure, and have been notified in writing within 30 days from the date of disclosure
  • Disclosure by any other than text or verbal, with the intention of using the word "confidential"
  • Personal information specified in Clause 11
  • ID assigned by us and the password under this agreement
  • All other information unpublished on the internet by us

Confidential information does not apply if you can prove as followings,

  • Information being notified already
  • Facts that were already known at the time of recognizing the information, or information that became known which is irrespective of your responsibility, and other general informations
  • Information obtained by a third party without any obligation of confidentiality.
  • Information obtained through original development without any obligation of confientiality
  • Information that we have agreed in writing to exclude from confidential information

27 (inevitability)

It includes, but is not limited to, acts of nature, fire, strikes, floods, plagues, riots or acts of war. In the unlikely event of a default due to reasons beyond the control of the parties, the parties shall not be liable for default or failure to perform their contractual obligations.

28 (Jurisdiction)

This agreement is complying with all the laws and regulations of the operating country.

The terms and conditions of this agreement shall be interpreted by the law of the country in which the company operates, and the law of the country in which the user resides shall never be applied. In the event of a dispute between our company and the user, we will try to resolve it by discussing with each other, but if it is difficult to solve it, we will file for suit in the country where we operate.

29 (Revision of Terms and Conditions)

We might revise the terms and conditions of this agreement by our own judgement without obtaining approval from IB.